Saturday, 23 July 2011

Training during race season

One thing I've learned this year is it can be very hard to train the planned hours as well as race many races.
Now this being my first season I wanted to experience as many races as I could and also learn as much as I could from racing.
So this season started early for me with Abu Dhabi in March, followed with a duathlon 1 week later but then a 6 week break to first national series race.
As it stands my season contains:
5 x sprint triathlons (3 national series)
5 x Olympic triathlons (all n.s.)
1 x 1.5k/100k/10k (abu dhabi)
1 x duathlon (4/20/4)
1 x 5mile run race
1 x Half marathon
1 x full marathon

So 15 events and pretty full, I have completed 9 of these with my 10th this Sunday.
The half and full marathons are achievements I want to include this year and focus next year on important triathlon races.

Training can be very hard during race season due to recovery and planned rest days before next race etc especially if doing races in a row - has happened a couple times with 3 weekends in a row being races.
Also due to happen again in August before my last tri this season. So the day/2 after a race it can be hard to fit in the planned hours when still recovering from the weekend especially if travel included.
I've been conscious to listen to my body, and there have been weeks of just 7 or so hours instead of planned 12+ as it's just not been practical.
I'm sure an element of this is me still building fitness and recovery abilities, but even so I know next year will see fewer races with more intense focus and plan for A and B races etc. I enjoy racing but am more determined to reach higher placings next season.

The half and full marathons are to focus me on running more as well as achieve goals here. I plan on running more in Sept and Oct to prepare for this as well as focus on running in general to improve.

What I do feel I've done well is avoid injuries. Considering this year has seen a big jump up in fitness and activities instead of my usual gym 3 times a week I think I've listened to my muscles well and rested when needed.
I've had a couple tweaks and calf strains but those seem mainly from me moving to a mid/fore foot running technique from a heel striker.
There's no doubt running is the most injury prone of the 3 disciplines, and I've been conscious not to overdo this and build up slowly.

So in summary, 2/3's of events done and happy with progress and season so far. I feel I've learnt a lot in terms of training, technique, racing as well as individual improvements in each area.

I'd advise any newbies to steadily increase training each week, especially for running, and to listen to their bodies and muscles as recovery is as much an important discipline as training.

Now I'm off to rest before race 10 this Sunday - my 12 month triathlon anniversary!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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